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デジタルイメージングコンファレンス2007Digital Imaging '07



〜Digital Imaging Lifestyles 2.0〜

イメージング(写真)市場の20世紀の主流であった“Capture and Print”オンリーの時代は終了し、撮影、印刷(現像)の他に、観賞、共有、編集、管理、保存といった新用途が市場を拡大させています。デジタルカメラ、フォトプリンタ、インターネットサービスも交えたイメージングサービスを提供する企業にとっては、新ステージに入ったユーザーの行動パターン(ライフスタイル)を掴み、ビジネス展開をする必要があります。

そのような背景を踏まえて、今年のデジタルイメージングコンファレンスは “Digital Imaging Lifestyles 2.0”というテーマで、大きく4部構成、16トピックで開催いたします。

第1部では、さらなる成長をみせているデジカメ市場の分析・展望の解説し、第2部では、今後の動きを予測する上で基盤となるエンドユーザー調査とプロカメラマン調査結果を発表します。第3部では、インクジェット技術のフォトプリントにおける影響を含めたフォトプリンタ市場動向。そして、最後の第4部では、デジタルフォトフレーム、カメラ付携帯の影響など新しいステージの Lifestyles のホットトピックを紹介、解説いたします。

いくつかの改善点に加えて、より多くの皆様にお越しいただけますように、参加費を、昨年と比較して大幅に、低く設定させていただきました。皆様のお越しをお待ち しております。



日  時 : 2007年12月6日(木) 10:00〜17:30 (受付9:30〜)
会  場 : 東京コンファレンスセンター・品川 4F 406 map
主  催 : 株式会社 インフォトレンズ
協  賛 : 株式会社 ユニバーサル レーザ システムズ
プレスリリース : 2007年11月7日 デジタルイメージング2007 コンファレンス開催[PDF:232KB]
参加費 : 59,000円(61,950円税込)
  • テキスト、逐次通訳、コーヒーキオスク、昼食代が含まれます。
  • 2007年11月19日以降のキャンセルはお受けできませんので当日不都合の場合は恐れ入りますが代理の方のご出席をお願い申し上げます。
  • 申込み確認後、請求書を発行させていただきます。
定  員 : 90名  先着順とさせていただきます。満席の際はご了承ください。
講  師 : インフォトレンズ アナリスト
申  込 : 下記お申込フォームより参加お申込いただけます。





10:00 開催挨拶 株式会社インフォトレンズ 代表取締役 前里 慶一
10:10 1.

2007年 - Digital Photography 市場概況
Ed Lee, Director, Consumer Imaging Services and DPT


InfoTrends 2007 State-of-the-Market (Ed Lee)

The digital photography market has been moving at a fast and furious pace for the past 10 years. Presently, this market has entered its middle age. Nevertheless, opportunities still exist in other areas like printing, sharing, editing, managing, preserving, and viewing. To capitalize on these opportunities, vendors and retailers will need to take advantage of the “digital” nature of digital photography by integrating products and services. This opening session will examine what the new digital imaging ecosystems will look like, what the new opportunities are, and where do companies fit in.

10:30 - 11:40 CHAPTER T-デジタルカメラ市場動向(Digital Camera Market Trends)
10:30 2.

Ed Lee, Director, Consumer Imaging Services and DPT


The Changing Face of Image Capture - Market Forecasts and Trends (Ed Lee)

The digital camera market is experiencing a surge in sales. What is behind this growth and is it a short term phenomenon or a long term trend? This session discusses future market directions and factors behind the market growth and lays out strategies on how to capitalize on this opportunity.

11:00 3.

Stewart Murdoch: Associate Director, DPTE

世界1,2 を争う大きなデジタルカメラ市場であるヨーロッパ。しかし、今後5年間はどう動いていくのでしょうか? 市場を牽引するものは何か?また、新しい金のなる木は何でしょうか? このセッションでは、InfoTrendsのコンシューマへのサーベイや市場規模、フォーキャストデータなどを元に、ヨーロッパでのデジカメ市場の動きを解説いたします。

The Image Capture Market - a European Market Perspective (Stewart Murdoch)

Europe remains one of the largest digital camera markets in the world. But, what will it look over the next 5 years? What are market drivers and where will the new opportunities come from? This session highlights what is happening in the European DSC market today, and is supported by market size and forecast data as well as key findings from InfoTrends consumer surveys.

11:20 4.

デジタルカメラ - 成熟市場におけるマーケティング
Stewart Murdoch: Associate Director, DPTE

フィルムからデジタルへの変遷が終わり、デジタルカメラ市場はこれまで以上に成熟し、浸透しています。このセッションでは、カメラベンダーが将来的にシェアを確保するためのマーケティング戦略はどのようにすればよいのか? ブランドと機能のどちらを重視して、マーケティングをすればよいのか? コンシューマがデジカメ購入するときに何を重視しているのか?など解説いたします。

Digital Cameras - A Mature Market in Need of Marketing Care and Attention (Stuart Murdoch)

Traditional film has lost its place to digital. The digital camera markets are becoming evermore mature and even saturated. This session will address questions like what will be the marketing strategies for cameras vendor that will help them secure future market share? What will be the priorities between brand and feature communication and what will consumers be influenced by?

    11:40 - 11:55 Coffee Break
11:55 - 12:50 CHAPTER II - エンドユーザー動向 (End User Behaviors)
11:55 5.

Ed Lee, Director, Consumer Imaging Services and DPT


Focusing on the U.S. Consumer - Usage Trends (Ed Lee)

The digital still camera market currently consists of a complete mix of users at various stages of life. Understanding the imaging behaviors of specific demographic segments is becoming increasingly important as DSC manufacturers eye ways to maintain growth and/or increase share in a maturing market. This session will spotlight evolving consumer behaviors as revealed through recent InfoTrends’ end user surveys.

12:15 6.

Stewart Murdoch: Associate Director, DPTE


European Consumers - What Do They Think? (Stewart Murdoch)

Consumer behaviors influence how products are conceived and marketed. In a market as culturally diverse as Europe, what do consumers expect and how will target markets be segmented? Are we looking at niches markets or a mass proposition? This session will address these questions and more as we take a closer look at European consumers.

12:35 7.

David Haueter: Associate Director, Photo Printing Trends (PPT)


Evolving Professional Photographer Behaviors (David Haueter)

InfoTrends has been tracking the evolution of professional photographers’ behaviors for the past several years and there is no arguing that they have completely embraced digital. During this session we will highlight some of the important behavioral changes that have occurred recently and discuss what opportunities this creates for digital imaging vendors.

    12:50 - 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 - 15:50
    CHAPTER III - フォトプリンティングとインクジェットの衝撃(Photo Printing and Impact of Inkjet)
14:00 8.

David Haueter, Associate Director, Photo Printing Trends (PPT)


Digital Photo Printing in the U.S.: Current State and Future Trends (David Haueter)

With the many choices that consumers have today for viewing, outputting and archiving digital photos, the traditional photo print is losing its importance as the primary photographic medium. This session highlights what is happening in the market today with digital photo printing and home photo printers, supported by market size and forecast data as well as key findings from InfoTrends consumer surveys. It will also examine the factors that will influence consumer photo printing behavior over the next several years and discuss the impact they will have on the market.

14:30 9.

ホーム/店頭向けフォトプリントにおける技術の発達 - インクジェットの衝撃
David Haueter, Associate Director, Photo Printing Trends (PPT)


Technology Developments in Home & Retail Photo Printing (David Haueter)

Despite being a mature market, there have been some developments in inkjet printing in the last couple of years that have the capability to disrupt the market. In this session, we will look at these technologies and discuss their relevance and competitive possibilities in the market. We will also discuss the growing role of color laser in the home environment and the impact that technology may have on home photo printing.

15:00 10.

Stewart Murdoch: Associate Director, DPTE


An Assessment of the European Photo Prints Market (Stewart Murdoch)

Consumers are capturing billions of images and they have a wide range of choices on whether to print, when, and where. This section details how the European print market will evolve over the next 5 years and highlight who the winners and losers will be.

15:15 11.

Alan Bullock, Associate Director, Internet Image Trends (IIT)

このセッションでは、フォトキオスク、behind-the-counterプリントシステム、net-to-retailサービスなどを調査した米国小売(Retail)フォトプリントユーザーサーベイ結果をご紹介します。富士フイルム社、コダック社、ヒューレット・パッカード社、ノーリツ鋼機社、ゼロックス社、KIS/Photo Me 社などから最近発表された製品やサービスについても着目いたします。

Consumers and Their Photos Return To Retail (Alan Bullock)

This session will present highlights from InfoTrends' US Retail Photo Printing End User Survey, covering self-serve photo kiosks, behind-the-counter printing systems, and online net-to-retail services, and a look at recent products and services from manufacturers such as Fujifilm, Kodak, Hewlett-Packard, Noritsu, Xerox, KIS/Photo・Me, and others.

15:30 12.

フォトグッズ 〜新製品と新規参入者のチャンス〜
Alan Bullock, Associate Director, Internet Image Trends (IIT)

カスタマイズのフォトギフトやグッズの市場は、米国の“Online Photofinishing市場”の中で、2006年の約40%から2010年の約70%までシェアが拡大する見込みです。このセッションでは、2006年のフォトグッズ市場調査結果を紹介し、新規参入者がこの市場で成功するための可能性について解説いたします。

Photo Merchandise - Opportunities For New Products And New Players (Alan Bullock)

Custom photo gifts and merchandise will grow from about 40% of the US Online Photofinishing market in 2006 to nearly 70% in 2010. Many new and creative products are available from online services and retailers. This session will present highlights from a 2006 InfoTrends study of the Photo Merchandise market and opportunities for new vendors to participate in this profitable photo output category.

    15:50 - 16:05 Coffee Break
16:05 - 17:15 CHAPTER IV - Digital Imaging Lifestyles 2.0
16:05 13.

Ed Lee, Director, Consumer Imaging Services and DPT


Developments in Wireless in the Digital Imaging Ecosystem (Ed Lee)

In the development of new digital imaging ecosystems, the Internet will play an integral role in the transportation of the image files from point to point. Wireless connectivity is gaining traction among imaging vendors and interest among consumers. This session reviews new developments in wireless technology and wireless enabled cameras and highlight which vendors are ahead of the curve.

16:20 14.

Ed Lee, Director, Consumer Imaging Services and DPT


Digital Photos Frames: Ready for the Mainstream? (Ed Lee)

Interest in digital photos frames is on the rise. For many consumers, these devices free the photos that are trapped on their hard disks and help bring them to life. Will photo frames become the next new hot product? In addition to addressing this question, this session looks at the current state of the market and the drivers and barriers to mainstream adoption.

16:40 15.

写真の管理と保存 − 大事な写真を見つけ出すために
Alan Bullock, Associate Director, Internet Image Trends (IIT)

イメージ(写真)の管理、検索、保存は密接に結びついています。究極の目標はユーザーが、いつでも欲しいイメージを欲しい時に取り出せるということでしょう。InfoTrendsでは、2010までに世界中でおよそ1兆枚のデジタルイメージが保存されると予測しています。消費者は特別な1枚の写真どう見つけ出すのか?そのためには、ベンダーは、どんな製品・サービスを提供すればよいのか? 分析・解説いたします。

Image Management and Preservation - It’s Really about Image Retrieval (Alan Bullock)

Image management, search, and preservation are closely tied together. The ultimate goal is to ensure that a consumer can find any desired image quickly, today and years from now. InfoTrends expects that almost 1 trillion digital images worldwide will be saved by 2010. How is a consumer expected to be able to locate that one special photo? What can vendors do to help them? These questions and others will be discussed during this session.

16:55 16.

カメラ付携帯では不十分? 〜それでもデジカメを買い続けるコンシューマ〜
Alan Bullock, Associate Director, Internet Image Trends (IIT)


If Everyone Has a Camera Phone, Why Are They Still Buying Digital Cameras? (Alan Bullock)

It is difficult to find a mobile phone that does not include a camera, often with multi-megapixel resolution. Nevertheless, sales of traditional digital still cameras continue to grow. This session will present highlights from InfoTrends’ US camera phone research and discuss why consumers are not yet ready to embrace the camera phone for all their picture-taking needs.

17:15 Questions and Answers (Q&A)
Closing - 終了(17:30)



インフォトレンズ アナリストプロフィール

Ed LeeEd Lee
(Director of the Consumer Services, DPT担当)

Stewart MurdochStewart Murdoch
(Associate Director, DPTE担当)

David HaueterDavid Haueter
(Associate Director, PPT担当)

Alan BullockAlan Bullock
(Associate Director, IIT担当)





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